Friday, December 7, 2007

What IS that smell?

Our house is full of excitement.
Excitement, I'm telling you.
Of the greatest kind.

Sometimes, it's billows of smoke coming out of the oven.
I'm SO generous with my advice to you all, I hope you appreciate it.
Here it comes: Lego's will catch fire.

But other times, there are good smells.
Not over on the boy's side of the house, of course, but that's just the way it is.
Tonight, in our kitchen, it is smelling lovely.

Believe it or not, I have three 6th grade boys making candles in my kitchen.
With the help of the Coach, of course.

There are certainly days when the school projects wear me out. Seriously. A poster on games played in ancient Egypt? Please!
Or a map of little Christian's journey? With 3-D images? Oh Boy.
On on those days, I contemplate the possibility of homeschooling. Surely we could get by with math, grammar, the basics. Forget the projects. Forget posters and dioramas (don't get me started!), costumes, authentic pioneer lunches and bake sales. I have eight children, for heaven's sake. I don't have time for this!

However, we have good moments.
And tonight, with the green apple scent permeating the kitchen and candles being cranked out by the dozens (or at least ones), all is right with the world.

Just don't ask me later when I'm trying to get these boys to be quiet and go to sleep.


Okiemarine said...


Lori Leigh said...

Hey! So how did the candle project work out? What were they making them for? Did you get to keep any? I hope you had a great weekend!

Lori Leigh said...

So legos really do catch on fire, huh? Wow. I have not had that happen yet... praise the Lord. The closest I have come to something catching on fire in the oven was when we were child sitting for some friends for a week and I was making supper one night and I turned on the oven and for some reason opened it up to check the inside and did not realize that she kept ALL HER CHIPS IN THE OVEN! I think it was just one of the minor things that was neglected to be mentioned. :) Fortunately nothing caught on fire! :)

Lori Leigh said...

Are you all iced in? My parents lost their power last night for a while and said there was ice everywhere. How are you all doing?

Lori Leigh said...

Okay, so I just checked the weather and news for your area and I'm just pretty sure your kids must be out of school today. The only hope is that the coach is home too. :) I hope you all are doing well and staying warm. It is a nice sunny day here. The kids were riding bikes in the front yard in SHORTS last night! Can you believe it? Crazy.

Lori Leigh said...

Hey girl! I hope you get your power back on soon so you can BLOG! I mean this should really take precident over everything else... right? Ha! Seriously, hope you all are doing alright. I'll look forward to seeing you when you get back!

Lori Leigh said...

I was told you had a BRILLIANT WFMW this week! I'm looking forward to your post. I'm hoping your computer didn't crash with the ice storm or something...........