Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Although I started a post, yesterday, it just didn't get done!
I'm going to persevere and post a thankful list today.

"In every thing GIVE THANKS:  for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  I Th. 5:18

1.  Thankful for sweet friends who call and say, "I know how you feel!" and "I'll pray for her!".
2.  Thankful for sweet friends who bring lunch and playmates for my little ones.
3.  Thankful for a mom who insists on helping, even when I say I don't need it, but I really do.
4.  Thankful for a husband who doesn't give up on me, even when I'm grumpy.
5.  Thankful for a new day.
6.  Thankful for God's abundant provision of everything we need.  
7.  Thankful for healthy children.
8.  Thankful for the laughter that Little Man brings to our home - even if he kept me up all night.
9.  Thankful for Daughter's (#6) teacher who is doing everything possible to help her adjust to school - even though right now she's miserable.
10.  Thankful for the love I have for my kids that brings me such joy, even when it's hard.
11.  Thankful for a three day weekend!  Woo hoo!
12.  Thankful for the unusually cool late Summer weather - delightful!
13.  Thankful for caffeine.
14.  Thankful for birthdays - Son's (#3) - and new fish tanks.
15.  Thankful for the anticipation of new fish (maybe tomorrow?).
16.  Thankful for the hope of a nap for all of us this afternoon.
17.  Thankful that school hasn't had to call me, yet, this morning.
18.  Thankful for a house that we enjoy.
19.  Thankful for a beautiful big yard.
20.  Thankful for two cars that run - one of them is even big enough for the whole family!
21.  Thankful that God answers prayer.
22.  Thankful that His grace is sufficient.
23.  Thankful that Little Man's hair is really short - since I have to wash various things out of it several times each day.
24.  Thankful for God's faithfulness - strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.
25.  Thankful for the new Keith and Kristyn Getty CD that I ordered with a birthday gift certificate.  Especially "The Power of the Cross".
26.  Thankful that my kids are quick to forgive me when I am impatient.
27.  Thankful that my shoulder is feeling better.
28.  Thankful that five of the kids are doing GREAT in school.  Loving it, doing well and are happy.
29.  Thankful for the humility that the Coach and I are learning with the other child who isn't.
30.  Thankful that we've survived the week and it's Friday!

Happy Labor Day weekend!  


Sumer said...

Glad she is doing better! Your list is beautiful, especially #13 ~ I have been doing so good without it, until this morning that is. Oh well, tomorrow is another day! Have a great long weekend.

Jamie S. said...

I'm thankful for your list! Some made me nod in agreement and some made me smile. I need to do this, too, even though I don't blog.

Shannonigans said...

Loved your list! It was a wonderful one to read and agree with so many of them. I like #25...when pregnant with last baby I listened to them everynight when I could not sleep...OFTEN. Found out when he was in the NICU unit and I could go see him Barry mentioned singing a song to him and he said I think he knows it...I asked which one...and it was the Keith and Kristyn Getty song "Christ Alone"...I cried...barry didn't know I listened to that my entire pregnancy...yes, Brady recognized it:D

Shannonigans said... my comment and realized I didn't finish grammatically on some things....when Brady was in the NICU and I couldn't go see him.
That is what happens when you are interupted by kid #3, #5 and #6! LOL

Lori Leigh said...

Great list! I so need to do one! Thanks for the reminder!