Saturday, October 21, 2017

We'll Make it... Right?

Over our almost 23 years together, as various crises have occurred with our troops, I have crawled into bed at night with a sigh and asked the Coach, "We'll make it, right?"

Without fail and with utmost confidence, he'd tell me,  "Yes.  Of course we will."

Trouble with kids, broken bones, injuries, 10 people with the stomach flu, you know... Crises.

But the first time I crawled into bed with the Coach after Son #3 was diagnosed with cancer (and it was weeks, literally, that we spent the nights apart)...

It just stuck in my throat.

I couldn't ask him.

I couldn't bear the answer.  I knew he couldn't promise me that our boy would be OK.  How could he?  And I didn't want to hear that.

Nine months later, I still haven't asked him.  I wonder if he's noticed?

But over these nine months, a new thought has grown and taken root in my heart.  The question still comes.  Mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep and my mind won't be settled.  When I pray for so many precious friends who are walking through fiery trials.

Yes, our boy is doing SO well.  Yes, the future is hopeful, today.  I'm so thankful.  I pray I'll never take "normal" for granted, again.

But life is still hard.

We may not be finished fighting cancer at the troops, no one can promise me that.
We may still have struggles with our kids, their choices, and the directions they go.
We may still have tragedy and illness and heart ache in the years to come.  In fact, I can almost guarantee it.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

But we'll make it.

I'm sure of it.

Not because the difficulties will end.  Because they won't.  Not this side of heaven.

We'll make it because GOD WILL BE FAITHFUL.  And that won't change no matter what happens.  He promises that whatever comes in this life, He will walk through it WITH us.  We don't have to face it alone.  We don't have to face anything alone.

Maybe I won't need to ask the Coach that question, again.  I'm still confident in him and his ability to lead, protect, and provide for us - which he does SO very well.

But ultimately, my confidence in is my Lord and Savior who is GOOD, who LOVES us, and who works EVEN the horrible things for our good and His glory.  All praise be to His name forever.

We're going to make it at the troops.  And if you know Jesus...

You will, too.

Tit 2:13
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;


Peggy B said...

Your words are always a balm to my heart. While we all struggle with various and sundry (Mr. Clay) problems throughout life, it certainly brings comfort to read your honest and heartfelt words. Thank you!

Mrs. Troop said...

Love you, Mrs Peggy. You are such a testimony of God’s faithfulness. ❤️