(Written two weeks ago...)
Parenting isn't for the faint of heart. I tell myself that frequently when I am pushed to the end of my strength over and over again.
By a messy grown-up boy whose stuff trips me every time I walk into the room.
By a broken-hearted daughter who needs more time to talk.
By the middles who constantly take my phone and put it places where I can't find it. (Just a hint, my FB is their FB. They LOVE seeing all of my friend's posts. Now you know.)
By Little Man's never ending one-more-question-mom-just-one-more-thing.
By the never-ending activities, games, uniforms, laundry, food to be fixed and dishes to be done, dorm room stuff to be sorted, FULL calendars, to-do lists that have to be added to constantly, and the exhaustion that seems to find new depths every single day.
I won't lie - I'm overwhelmed with it all.
Then, I walk by the playroom at 10:30 on a Sunday night, when the Coach has gone to bed and the younger kids have, too. When I've been working on lists for the week and digging out from the email. After I went to the store so I could make dinner, then cut three heads of hair, before another three loads of laundry.
And there my three oldest sit watching Aladdin. Together. Laughing because none of them have ever seen it.
Can I just tell you? I may be overwhelmed. But my heart is full. These people, MY people, are my favorites. For all of the exhaustion and busyness and things that must be done...
This is the best life. Truly.
Because when Son (#1) leaves for his summer job in Colorado this week? We'll all MISS him. And stalk Instagram for pictures of him.
When the Coach and Son (#3) leave for Honduras to work at a mission there after school gets out? I'll cry because they will take my heart with them.
When Son (#4) leaves for Montana on a leadership/missions trip? It will leave a big giant HOLE in our troops.
When Son (#3) leaves for Impact 360 Immersion in Atlanta? I'll be sad because when he's gone it's just not the same.
When Daughter (#2) leaves for Africa with Reaching Souls International? I'll MISS her. So much.
My hope is in the undeserved grace of our loving Lord, not in getting it all right. And that's enough.
And yes, the boys do stand on their toes to try to be taller than each other. Never a dull moment.
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