Getting Christmas Cards is one of my most favorite things in December. Actually, one of my most favorite things all year! I love seeing your smiling faces, how much the babies (and kids!) have grown, hearing updates on your people. It brings me so much JOY. And if you send me your new address before I mail one to your old address and get it returned? You've made my day.
We'll be sending a New Year's card this year - since we had a chance to take an updated family pic at Christmas. I just ordered them and will hopefully get them out to you soon! Our crew hadn't all been together in almost a year and a half and we've changed a bit. Added two babies, a new fiance' and there's another baby on the way! And I feel like the Coach and I have aged even more than 17 months worth.
As beautiful as you all are and as lovely as your Christmas cards are and as much happiness as they bring me... I am tempted... I think every year... to write a REAL Christmas letter. With all of the good, the bad, and the ugly. I won't do it, of course, but it's always so tempting.
You want to know how our year REALLY went? No, you don't. Ha!
But just in case you worry that your life is a wreck and everyone else has it together, let me remind you that I'm your girl. Always lowering the bar so that you can feel like you do, in fact, have it all together. If you want to hear details, that will have to happen over a cup of coffee. Because as much as I'd love to just hang all of our dirty laundry out to dry on the internets, that doesn't seem appropriate. For today, at least.
Thankfully, Jesus's sacrifice, God's mercies (new every morning) and the Lord's goodness aren't dependent on me having it all together. In fact, it's quite the opposite. The greater my need, the greater His grace. Wow. That truly astounds me. I have a hard time loving people who don't do what I'd like or make me feel better about myself. But Christ died for us WHEN WE WERE YET SINNERS. We hated Him and He willingly gave His life for us.
So I don't have to get it all together this year, or any year. My card won't be a diatribe on all of the hard things this year held... although I know that would be super entertaining for all of us. I'll send the pretty picture with the best looking kids and sweetest babies you've ever seen. And my extra wrinkles, too. And take another opportunity to be thankful that God promises to bring good from it all. Every bit of it. Even the hard. No... I think especially the hard.
Happy New Year!