Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Happy Kind of Sad

We just spent a FUN three days at the farm. . . came home this evening.  Kids are eating pizza, watching "Megamind", and some are already falling asleep. I'm listening to the washer hum (a few loads of stinky pond water soaked suits and towels will do the trick) and thinking about the next few weeks.

Football starts tomorrow.

We got the much-anticipated "class list" on Friday - the younger four school kids are SO excited to know who their teachers are and who their class-mates will be.

Volleyball started two weeks ago for my soon-to-be Freshman daughter. 

A few sleeps (as Little Man says) and we'll be into the thick of "Back to School" crazies.

So for the troops?  This weekend marked the "end" of Summer.  For the most part.  There will be a few more afternoons at the pool (I hope!), minus the older kids.  Another movie night or two.

I AM excited about Fall.  There's the weather - SO ready for that!  But also the football games.  Watching my first-born play more for the Varsity team (at least that's what he's hoping for!).  Watching my girl play volleyball on the Freshman team.  And it will be FUN to see #3 start playing on the Jr. High football team for his dad. 

But you and I both know this can only mean one thing. . .

The younger troops and I are going to be spending a LOT of time in the bleachers.

Maybe I'm grieving the end of an unusually busy Summer.  One without an "actual" vacation (although our weekends at the farm were GREAT!).  It never really slowed down. 

Maybe I'm thinking how quiet it will be with just Little Man at home, again.  And what WILL he do to stay busy as an active 4 1/2 year old?  It's not like he fits in the jogging stroller anymore.  (sigh)

Maybe I'm already dreading the assignment tablets, school notes, money that will have to be sent, not to mention HOMEWORK, and all of the projects that will need to be done, forheavenssake.

Maybe most of all, I'm already missing the Coach.  Practice may not start until tomorrow, but football is already on his mind.  In a big way.

The seasons?  They are a-changing.  They always will.  Back to school August HEAT will turn into cool Friday night football games.  Which will turn into ice-storms and Christmas and basketball games four nights a week.  Time is passing more quickly every year.  We have more and more to keep up with.  The kids are growing and changing and DRIVING and learning and laughing and. . .

I love it.

Tonight?  I'm going to make my to-do list and BE THANKFUL.

That my seven school kids can attend our wonderful school, spend their days with precious teachers, be coached by their amazing daddy and our sweet nieces, learn God's Word, and, of course, our American Christian History.

That the Coach is blessed enough to DO what he LOVES.  Teach, work with highschool kids, coach football, watch his boys on the field and his girl on the court. 

That God has provided abundantly for our every need.  And our children's education.  Given us a beautiful home to enjoy and fill with noise and fun and laughter.

That we could escape to the farm for the weekend. . . where the kids can swim in the pond, catch fish, drive the Ranger all over the dirt roads, catch frogs that gather on the windows at night, play games, work puzzles, and fall into bed exhausted every night.

That the Coach and I DID have a lovely quiet weekend alone this Summer.  Thanks to my wonderful parents and our sweet friends.  I'm going to hang onto those memories for a long time. 

That seasons DO change.  That having 7 kids 9 and under didn't last forever (Whew!).  That they are growing up, chauffeuring me all over town, and bringing the Coach and I SUCH JOY. 

I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Happy Sunday!


Zimms Zoo said...

Love this!

Anonymous said...

God is good! Thankful with you for your testimony of His faithfulness. You are a treasure!
Enjoy the change of seasons, changes in your life- I'll enjoy as you record your journey!