Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The good stuff. . .

After seeing a rare and wonderful post on the Elisabeth Elliot Facebook page last week (we all know that SHE doesn't post these things, but it was a quote from a much loved book), I picked up "Keep a Quiet Heart" and began to read.  I don't know what made me do it, besides the quote, itself.  

"[Christ] is my model. This means a different set of ambitions, a different definition of happiness, a different standard of judgment altogether. Behavior will change, and very likely it will change enough to make me appear rather odd--but then my Master was thought very odd."

The oddness is something I know about

In my high school/college days (which were, of course, not the typical, since I was at home or 
working for all of them) I read everything EE wrote.  I heard her speak countless times, I've even had the privilege of knowing her personally.  But what has struck me as I have been re-reading this fabulous book (I highly recommend it!) is how deeply her writings (and others, I know) formed in me the basic truths of life.






In these days of blogging and Facebook and Twitter. . . online articles and magazines. . . Hunger Games and Karen Kingsbury (which I've read a lot of). . . 

THIS is what I miss.  

The kind of writing that feeds your SOUL.  That challenges your thoughts and requires a response.  "Will I?"  

Will I trust the Lord in my circumstances?

Will I submit to these trials. . . this husband. . . the LORD?

Will I REST in the Lord?

Will I serve others without thought for SELF?

Will I be thankful in ALL things?

These are basic, daily, LIFE struggles.  I know I have them.  I assume you to do, too, if you seek to follow Christ.  And going back to this old, favorite book. . . it's reminded me that I've missed this.

Good writing.

I know so many of you, my blogging friends, enjoy good writing, just as I do.

You won't find it, here. 

But I would encourage you to seek it out.  Go back to those classic Elisabeth Elliot books (and pray for her, along the way, as she struggles in the sunset years of her life).  Find GOOD literature and biographies to share with your kids.  Read "Evidence Not Seen" and "A Chance to Die" and with me, keep plugging away at "Bonhoffer" (even though I'm about six months into it and only 1/3 of the way through).  And let me just say. . . THAT book?  Makes me feel really stupid.  But WOW it's good!

Leave the "easy" on the table, for today, and read something that will challenge your heart and mind and cause you to trust the Lord in a deeper way.

And yes, I know that this humble blog isn't on the list.

But thanks for reading it, anyway.  For encouraging me by YOUR lives and YOUR trust in the Lord.  For letting me use this modern day forum to collect me thoughts and chronicle what goes on here at the troops, so I don't forget.

Because I forget a lot.  Like how much I love EE's writing!

Happy Wednesday!

And did I mention that we celebrated Son's (#4) TWELFTH birthday last night?  Yikes!  Time is a flyin', I tell you!


jjbrown03 said...

I agree wholeheartedly, Karen! Thank you for the reminder. I, too, read several EE books and was changed by them. "Bonhoffer" better be good -- I just ordered it. :-)

Leah Belle said...

i am reading THAT book right now. i checked it out of the library for a month and just yesterday, practically begged them to let me re-check it (even tho that is against library policy). was so grateful that they let me. it is an amazing story that has me enthralled....just wish i had more time to read! did you know that Monday marked the 67th anniversary of Bonhoeffer's murder?

Leah Belle said...

p.s. have you read this one?
it is an easy read, but so moving and inspiring. God used it in my life recently.

Okiemarine said...

We have no greater joy than knowing that you walk in TheTruth!
Mom & Dad

amber said...


and EE is one of the best~ love her.

Cindy P said...

...just perusing your blog a bit...... this is JUST what I needed on this dreary Friday Morning! I am going to pull one of her books off my shelf this afternoon....
thanks friend!