Life (for me) is full of committing, then pulling back. Setting goals, then realizing that I can't keep up. Trying to find balance between home, school, activities...then remembering that life is short and this season of precious memories to be made will be over all too soon.
I would love to say that I've found how to live life with good margins in all areas. Reality is that I work like a crazy woman for two or three days, crossing things off my list... then I crash and spend an entire day catching up on laundry and taking a nap.
Balance is important, but it's not possible. Not really. Not if you are juggling marriage, kids, home, LIFE..
Margins are super healthy. But the truth is, I'm horrible at saying no. If fact I rarely do. Unless the Coach makes me (bless him).
Goals? We need to have things to work towards, look forward to. Crossing the finish line is an amazing feeling. You don't just get up one day and run a marathon, you have to plan, prepare, do the work. But no matter how hard you work, life happens. Kids need your time, there are injuries and illnesses, and sometimes we overestimate how much time we have to give.
Most of all? There are seasons. Right now at the troops it's the season of older kids. Precious, wonderful, FUN memories. I'm starting to realize I can't accomplish much else in the long term. It takes all of my time to just manage it all.
When the kids were little, there was a lot of hunkering down. Saying no, staying home, being committed to naps and bed times and consistency. We even said no to basketball - can you believe it?
Now that we have two who have grown up and moved off to college and no babies to tote around, I'm saying YES TO IT ALL!
Want to be in the play? SURE!
Want to run track? OF COURSE!
Want to play tennis? WHY NOT?
Want to play volleyball? YOU BET!
Because it's such a unique season of life - these school years at home are over so quickly. I'm loving it and we are cramming it all in with reckless abandon!
Never mind that I miss most of the tennis and I've missed all of the track meets and thank HEAVENS volleyball is over and DID YOU SEE THE PLAY? Because it was amazing. AMAZING!
It's also a season of time together, watching our kids do hard things - and the Coach and I learning that we are a really good team.
I might be a push over - but the Coach backs me up when someone needs a firm hand. I might say yes more than I should - but the Coach is so good to make me slow down. I may feel the need to take care of everybody - all of the time - but when I feel guilty for falling short? The Coach reminds me that our troops don't need me to do it all. I'm sure he would say he needs me, too, but truth is? I am continually amazed at this man I'm married to.
So very grateful for him.
And because I don't have time for a catch up picture post about the troops right now? I'll leave you with this. A picture of Little Man wearing Captain Hook's wig. How fabulous is that?
Happy Monday!
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