Friday, October 29, 2010

Thankful. . . uh. . . Friday.

Happy Friday!

Someday I'll be a more faithful blogger.


Someday I'll do a lot of things.

Like wash the windows.

But today? I'm thankful!

It's been busy here at the troops, but we are doing well!

FABULOUS Fall break with our kiddos last week. Lovely time together. Got a lot done, but rested, too. So nice.

1. The Coach finished up the Jr. High football season this week. We have our Monday nights back. Temporarily, of course, because basketball is about to start!

2. End of week 7 on Weight Watchers, today. Want to know how much I've lost? Well, do you? Hee hee.

3. Jogging with my Daughter (#2) twice this week. Feels great to be out there in this beautiful Fall weather with my favorite 13 year old! And feels good to be able to keep up with her!

4. Phone line fixed after 6 days without home phone and VERY slow DSL. Woo hoo!

5. THREE field trips this week for the Elementary kids. Fun week for them! Thankful for all of the moms who DO go along, drive, help the kids, and provide comfort and encouragement to my kids, too!

6. A Friday night at home, tonight. The kids opted for a night at home with pizza instead of the football game, tonight. I'm good with that! I think we even have a Netflix movie to watch!

7. I missed posting about it (and everything else that's happened in the last two weeks), but the Coach proposed to me in October. 16 years ago. One of the reasons I love Fall. It's when we fell in love. (smile)

8. Weeks and weeks of glorious Fall weather! My favorite time of year, for sure. But usually we get only days of this amazing weather. It's been wonderful to be outside so much!

9. Pumpkin Spice creamer. Or Belgian Chocolate Toffee creamer. It's a toss up. Usually the chocolate would win, but the pumpkin has been perfect, lately.

10. Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies (uh oh, haven't I given you that recipe?). I haven't eaten any of them, but oddly enough, I'm enjoying watching the troops enjoy them! One of the many things I've learned in the last 7 weeks. Baking for OTHERS is fun. And I probably WOULD have had one of them, if I hadn't eaten one of THESE earlier in the week. Ha!

11. Hair cut on Wednesday. Ahhhhhh.

12. Good reading material. World magazine. The New American. Books on the Coach's Nook. Weight Watchers magazine. All of the lovely holiday catalogs. Perfect for a cool Fall evening while the Coach is watching football film.

And NOW. . . it's time to finish up the day's laundry, check the younger kids notebooks, and let the weekend begin!

Blessings on YOUR weekend! I hope you are able to enjoy time with your family, too.

1 comment:

Meredith - Mama of FOUR! said...

Can't believe I JUST found your blog. Always wondered where the "Thankful Thursday" originiated from. What a testimony you guys are. Can't wait to keep reading!