Wednesday, January 9, 2008

When do you exercise?

Today is Works for me Wednesday over at Rocks in My Dryer.
Why is it so fun to know that I'm not the only one who needs help?

Here's my question for the day.
One of my New Year's Resolutions is to get in some exercise three or four times each week.
I used to be so faithful. Before children, for sure. After baby #1, even. When baby #2 came I was walking every morning at the mall. Then baby #3 came and I switched to a double stroller. Then baby #4 came and we got our first treadmill. Since then I've walked mostly with some exercise DVDs for interest.
However at this point, I've adjusted my routine so much that exercise isn't a part of it!

So I'd love to know - how do YOU fit it in?

I realize I can't add time to my day that isn't there. I can't get up any earlier, pretty sure of that - I've tried and I just get sick. Can't stay up any later. I'm already tired, enough.

Help me out! Tell me your exercise routine and how you keep up with it. How do you fit your kids in? Do you include them? Or do it when they are elsewhere or occupied?

I'm curious.

Because I can't be the first mom of many children to struggle with this.

And something has got to give.


And be sure to check back at WFMW for more questions and ideas!


Jeni said...

I'll be lurking here, reading all the comments and suggestions folks have for you, because I DON'T exercise, and I know I need to for my health and to be an example for my daughter. I want to know what works for people!

Jeni said...

And do you really have 8 kids?? Wow. I'm impressed that you even have time & sanity to spend on writing a blog! :-)

tootie said...

Ok, so I don't have kids, so this advice might not work... But maybe, if the weather is nice, you could take the kids for a walk? I bet walking even just 15 minutes would make you feel better.

Then, there's always doing sit-ups or crunches during commercials when you watch TV. (Although I suspect that you probably don't have time for much TV-watching!)

Best of luck!

mama2drama said...

I have 4 kids and am the oldest of 9 and I AM ALL ABOUT MULIT-TASKING.
What really does work for me is making my walk my prayer time. I get up at least an hour and a half before the family and while my husband and kids sleep I go for my walk. I find that when my conversations with the Lord are more intense it keeps me walking longer. Also, because it's my "quiet time with the Lord" I guard it i.e. no kids or friends allowed. Of course there have been exceptions but it's been very rare.
Another thing, I used to have a treadmill and I found that they are magnetized to gears in my kids' brains when they start to whir so I never really got to commit to it. After 3 months of walking I lost 16lbs. and yes, people couldn't believe it happened JUST from walking.
Good luck. I'm going to bookmark you and keep checking.

Edi said...

After my 2 kids I knew I had to begin exercising - never did it a day in my life before!

I began getting up earlier than everyone else and exercised (Nordic track works for me). My dh would be on "breakfast duty" - getting breakfast ready and helping the kids when needed, so I could use that time and not be interrupted.

It's been working for almost 5 years now!

Anonymous said...

I jog in place while drying my hair and taking a shower. Otherwise my only form of exercise is hauling my kids and their stuff up and down the stairs. The hair drying thing loooks pretty ridiculous, but it gets your heart rate up for a little while.


Laura said...

You know I am not good at being faithful to this. BUT, when I make it a priority, I just do it. Everyone can do without me for 30 minutes.

Mandy said...

We put the elliptical in the living room and I usually watch tv while I work out for 30 minutes. I also go to the gym in the evenings 3 times a week for 1 hour of aerobics and weight lifting- I find that classes with other people really keep me motivated!

AzureLynn said...

I am a flybaby and have found that I have to devote time to exercise and I found that I have to do so in the morning. The only other suggestion I have is if you have 5 minutes here or there to stretch and and some muscle strengthening exercises. You dont have to use weights. You just use your natural resistance you already have.

Lori Leigh said...

I would be under the "mom still trying to figure out how to work exercise into my schedule" category so I'm really no help. But it is really interesting to hear everyone else's ideas! Great question!