God is good.
Yesterday I wasn't so sure we were going to make it.
Ever have those days?
When you are tired and the kids are tired and everyone has some issue they are dealing with?
Those days wear me out.
School is wearing me out.
Major Kudos to my sweet homeschooling friends.
I am, honestly, in awe of what you manage to accomplish.
At our house, it's all about homework and dress code and DO you have the right kind of socks, forheavenssake? And signing papers and notebooks and football schedules and SOMEONEPLEASETELLMEQUICK is the Coach coming home tonight?
Not tonight, but he will be home tomorrow night.
It's OK.
We are OK.
God is still on His throne.
"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgement; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." Phil 1:9-11
And we may actually get naps this afternoon - which is a great healer of all things.
There is just so very much to be grateful for!
Happy Thursday!
I am so out of routine that I forgot it WAS Thursday! I've totally had days like that where I just really want to abdicate my position of mother of the home. :) I'm so glad today is better! Have a Thankful Thursday, friend!
School is wearing you out ALREADY? Oh no, there's no hope for me!! We start on Tuesday. Ugh.
And that is one of the main reasons we homeschool! I'm sorry you're already not having fun. :( You have always seemed like the homeschooling type to me, but if I were in your position, I would probably do the same thing you are! Maybe. Hang in there. You definitely have a lot to be thankful for. You are blessed! :) Those pictures are great!
Jen, I didn't mean to be discouraging! It's really just the adjusting that's hard. Once we get in the swing of things, it's wonderful to have them in school!
And Cindy, honestly, we DID homeschool. But when I had a 1st grader and a Kindergartner and was expecting #6 it was just too much for me. We LOVE our school and the kids are getting a wonderful education there, so I have no complaints!
And the positive is that the very scheduled routine is a wonderful discipline for all of us!
Thanks for the reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus. Lots of emotional things here these last days. Looking forward, kind of to school starting on Tuesday, some sort of new routine... have we gotten kind of lazy this summer?!
I will post, has been a very busy week!
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