2. No more splints in Son's (#3) nose! And it's straight! He is well on his way to being through this trial. Yeah!
3. A garbage disposal that WORKS! Thanks, Coach! And I promise I won't clean tennis shoes with muddy gravel in the kitchen sink, anymore.
4. Toddler sale at Old Navy! Not too many of our boy clothes made it through all three older boys.
5. Daughter (#6) is doing SO well with school. It was a rough first few weeks, but I think we're settling in.
6. That the Lord gives discernment and wisdom to teach and train children. I had no idea what to do about Daughter (#6), but the Lord has given us some insight into her personality and how to encourage and motivate her. Praise the Lord!
7. The Coach, who gets up early every day to spend time reading, praying and memorizing scripture.
8. The patience that the Coach has with me when I get overwhelmed and discouraged. (I think that is somehow related to #7, don't you?)
9. For faithful friends who know me well and still love me. For their encouragement and accountability.
10. For new windows on the front of our house! They are beautiful!
The very punctual, nice, clean and polite guys who installed them:
I won't miss those cold metal windows ONE BIT!
Happy Thursday!
Be sure and leave me a comment and tell me what YOU are thankful for today!
I LOVE the windows!! And we are still trying to get into a routine. You would think by now we would be good at it. Not so much. Oh well, praying for more wisdom here!! I love you sweet friend!
I am thankful for the great song that greeted me on your page this morning...a great way to start my day.
My sweet kids who are constant reminders that I am in great need of a Saviour who gives me the strength I need to make it through the day.
For helpful family who live close by!
That "sweet pea" is still taking two naps..which helps me sooo much in/getting school done w/the other two.
That I am OVERDUE w/baby #4!! Yes..I have reached the point of thankfulness on that one!!! I have yet another moment to enjoy these kicks, heartburn, backaches...and general pregnancy woes. Thank you Lord for this little one to meet us any second.
I like what you said about your husband being patient with you and that having to do with #7. So true! I also laughed at your promise not to clean tennis shoes with muddy gravel in the sink anymore. That is something I would do!!! :)
I am thankful for your blogs, their perspective and encouragement. Nice to know that we all struggle, get encouraged and have some wonderful times as well.
Thankful for the sunshine and the possiblity of getting a project or two done because the weekend is coming up!
Thankful to see that my children are learning something in school. I have to correct tests and assignments and there have even been a few perfect and nearly perfect scores! It is also fun to see the youngest learn to read words, slow process, but it is happening!
Thankful for help around the house, it will soon be clean again! What a nice feeling for a few hours anyway!
Thankful for God and his patience with me. Children and homeschooling are certainly opportunities to see His hand at work in my life. Thanks for His grace and mercy!
Thankful that our neighbor brought about 8 lbs of pears, which half of them are simmering in the crock-pot becoming pearsauce.
Thankful for the oops paint that I found at Home Depot this morning. Good color and 3 gallons that will paint our living room/dining room perfectly.
Thankful for the cooler weather that allows us to lower our electric bill.
Thankful that right at this morning all the kids are gathered around the CD player listening to Pirates of the Caribean soundtrack and laughing and playing orchestra as they try to figure out each instrument playing.
Okay, so the baby in the bucket was pretty funny! I'm so excited about your new windows! woohoo! Great list!
I'm thankful for the weather here! It's been so nice!
Have a great day!
Adorable picture! I miss those little people.
The weather here has also been splendid! :-D
The windows look marvelous...
I'm thankful for a happy baby girl who amazes me with her fighting spirit and ear-to-ear smiles :-)
I'm thankful for family, friends, and a sweet church family. All have stood by us during these trying times.
I'm thankful for my Savior who patiently encourages and lifts me when I'm struggling. If I thanked Him with every breath I breathe, it would never be enough.
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