The kids were out of school, yesterday, following our amazing school banquet on Tuesday night. Now the days of the week feel completely OFF. I even started to do some of my "Monday List" things. Odd.
It doesn't help that I had the kids do some of the "Saturday" list, yesterday (since they were all home) and the Coach was home, too. And we did baths last night for the little ones. So that would make today Sunday, except it's not. I may never figure it all out!
The good news is - tomorrow is Friday! Yeah!
For today, though~
1. Healthy kids. Such an unexpected blessing at the troops this time of year!
2. FUN timeline presentation with Daughter #5 on Monday. LOVE having those - and love having them DONE. She's a sweet girl with a wonderful teacher. So blessed.
3. Great school banquet Tuesday night. We are blessed to be a part of the "family" that is our school. Well, and half of them literally ARE our family.
4. New storm door on the new back door, as of today. YEAH! Means I can have a breeze on the two or three perfect days each year and will be so nice for the kids coming in and out without bugs joining them on the way in in the Summer!
5. A freshly cleaned washing machine. The LARGE washer and dryer are wonderful - the scum that the washer grows, not so much. Been awhile since I've tackled that and WOW - it's much cleaner.
6. Son #1's Science Fair project almost done (and next week on my list will be that it IS DONE). (sigh) Not my favorite required part of schooling - but it builds character, right?
7. House is rather clean. Well, maybe not clean. But it's picked up. And vacuumed. And we're going with that, today!
8. Dinner made for tonight. Do you ever cook a big turkey and then make three or four meals out of it? Such a sense of accomplishment.
Just so much to be grateful for! I know you probably read this list and think, "Yeah. Whatever. None of that is a big deal." But it is. We are so blessed and have so much to thank our Heavenly Father for. Even if all you can think of is the gift of another day to learn more about Him.
So Happy Thursday. Or whatever day it is.
Leave me a comment and tell me what you are grateful for today!