Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Paper Towels Work for Me

Sometime in February, we were on the third (or fourth, or hundredth) round of illness here at the Troops. Ugh.

I remembered my sister-in-law's mother (who is a nurse) used to have paper towel holders in the guest bath. Hmmmmm.

Then I realized that we probably spread a LOT of germs on our hand towels. 10 people, times countless hand washes each day. Combined with hands that have been sneezed into, pet the dog, played on the playground at school, etc.

I know the POINT of washing hands is to remove those germs. And I know that technically speaking, if your hands are clean when you dry them, then the towel should actually be germ free.

Who are we kidding here?

They are kids!

So I purchased $4 paper towel holders at Target and put them in the two kid's bathrooms.


We use the generic paper towels, only one per hand washing. And it works great! We are using less than I would have expected and not spreading so many germs! Yeah!

I will probably not use them all year. But you can bet I'll put them out during flu season or the second someone gets the stomach virus.

Works for me!

Check our the other great tips at Rocks in My Dryer!

Happy Wednesday!


Michelle said...

That's a smart idea for cold/flu season, and good how you implemented a one towel rule. My husband drives me nuts when he uses 3, 4, or even 5 sometimes. I've almost decided to stop using paper towels all together. Cute towel holder!

jo said...

Love it!!!! Paper towels are my other favorite household item.

Lori Leigh said...

Brilliant idea! I may need to try that. Thanks for sharing!