Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Prayer List

It's backwards day over at Rocks in My Dryer.

That means we can ask a question of the Works For Me Wednesday crew, instead of posting a tip. And since I've realized that the more children we have, the less we know, I'm always up for asking questions!

Now that our baby is getting older (he'll turn one at the end of March), I'm ready to get back into a more organized prayer time. When the babies are tiny, I pray during the day, during feedings, during the night - whenever my mind isn't occupied with helping someone else! But I don't try to keep any kind of record of prayers requests or answers - there just isn't time!

But I realize that as we are praying, we need the see the Lord answering those requests - or not - so that we can see His hand working. It's an encouragement to look back and see how He's worked. And I don't want to miss that.

I've tried the prayer card box - which was way too much work! And I've just used a notebook - but the list gets unorganized so quickly! And for years I did a smaller three ring notebook with a section for each day of the week. And I loved that system! But I know there will be days I will miss and therefore miss those requests!

So I'd love to know what YOU do to keep track of needs and answers. The Lord is so faithful to bring to mind things that I know I need to ask Him for. But I want to have somewhere to record when I've told someone I WOULD PRAY, so that I can be faithful to do what I've promised. And then to see those answers.

Because -HELLO- I forget everything.


What DID we name Baby Boy, again? Just kidding.

Thanks for the help!

"Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." (Eph 3:20-21)

And be sure to check back at Works For Me Wednesday to find more questions that need an answer!


Anonymous said...

I have a dry erase board in my kitchen on the fridge. I try to write any current intentions on it so that I can remember to keep them in my prayers throughout the day. It's also handy for what leftovers are in the fridge...

Heather said...

I had a friend create a lovely 3 ring binder with prayer requests written in it. It sounds kind of like the one you had before, but maybe instead of allocating certain things for each day of the week, you could just go from one day to the next.

Also, you could separate the ongoing requests (like for your kids' salvation, etc.) and the requests that are more temporary. Then, you can cross things off on one paper and keep the other one.

jo said...

I'm trying the notebook idea AGAIN. Hoping I will be more faithful this time around. It has a section for daily and then a separate page (pages) for days of the week. I just jot out beside something when we have an answer. I also have begun journaling again - off and on, of course, but so often this space naturally turns into a prayer. I just write a few sentences to a few paragraphs pertaining to what I'm reading in the Scriptures or the meaningful verse I saw that morning. Love the picture.

Veggiemomof2 said...

Why not journal your prayers? Highlight the specific requests, then go back over it weekly to see what was answered & maybe write an update at the bottom of that page.

Lori Leigh said...

That is a great question! I have several things we do but am having difficulty being consistent with them at the moment. It's nice to see what other people use that works!

Anonymous said...

somebody stop me....