Sunday, February 17, 2008

At which time we all gave thanks. . .

Our eldest son just finished his first science fair project.

This is just the beginning for us.
Eight kids x (times) a project in 6th, 8th and 10th grades = 24 projects in the next 16 years.

Excuse me while I crawl under the kitchen table and cry.

And don't think it's a coincidence that it was a project on the growth of bacteria. After all, 10 of us live here and that's a lot of bacteria to deal with.

We had a touching group hug, held hands and sang the Doxology ending with a loud Amen.


Lori Leigh said...

Could you reuse it for like #6 or #7? :) Ha!

Have a great Monday!

dlyn said...

Aw, but science projects are so much fun!!

Laura said...

I am all about recycling!

mama2drama said...

I already love reading your blog but this really tickled my funny bone. coming from a family with 9 kids my mom woulda' died if we had done a report on bacteria!!! thanks for the laugh!

Daniel said...

Just ran across this today...