Monday, April 21, 2008

Keepers at Home

We had a great weekend!

Thanks to all of you who prayed for us, for our kids, for safety and for our Sweet Sitters! Everyone did really well. It was just long enough to be away - I was missing our troops. As nice as it is to get away now and then, it's even better to come home!

The wedding was beautiful and sweet and lovely and simple. At one point during the ceremony, the bride's father quoted the verses from Titus about what young women should be.

". . . to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4-5

Several years ago, my mother cleaned out my grandfather's extensive library. Before she donated quite a few boxes of books, she let the Coach and I go through them and keep what we wanted.

Many of the volumes had belonged to my grandmother. Poetry and humor, mostly. There are several books by Ogden Nash. Here's a sample:

"There was a young lady named Jeanie
Who wore an outrageous bikini,
Two wisps light as air,
One here and one there,
With nothing but Jeanie betweenie."
by Ogden Nash

A book we've recently picked up is a collection of Reader's Digest Wit and Humor from 1958. I love it because it has my grandmother's name (written in her own hand) in the front leaf.

And OH it's funny!

So during the wedding, when I heard the pastor quote those verses about young wives, I couldn't help but remember this passage that I had read earlier in the R.D. book.

"From the San Angelo, Texas, Standard-Times: 'LOST, ONE WIFE, somewhere between wedding day and 15th anniversary, in vicinity of kitchen sink, PTA meetings, WSCS, Cub Scout den meetings, Dollar Day, pre-school clinic, Community League, church socials, Brownie troop meetings, Little League Baseball transportation, music school, grocery store, cooking school, bridge club and spring house cleaning. Has kind disposition, bites only when tired. Lonesome husband will be glad to get her back.'"

I would imagine that my list and yours would be different 50 years later, but HOW TRUE! A good reminder that I should be a keeper AT HOME. Lest I have a lonesome husband, too!

Happy Monday!


jo said...

Oh I love it - So funny and true.

Lori Leigh said...

Ha! That was funny. And the bikini poes was funny too. Thanks for sharing. It put a smile on my face! Have a great day!

Jenni said...

The Ogden Nash piece just made me LOL for real...what a talent the man had.

The classified ad is great! Thank you for sharing both with your readers. I love your blog; thank you for your sweet comments at my place.

Jenni/One Thing