Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday, Birthday Edition

Today is Son's (#4) birthday. He's eight.

Did you GET that, Laura? EIGHT! Where does the time go?

Where, oh where, do I begin to tell you about this kid?

When we had our fourth (he was our third boy), our oldest was four.

Let me give you a minute.

But OH what a sweet baby he was! He was easy going, happy, and fun. With a smile that came all the way from his toes.

Just within the first year of his life, however, he had 2 ER visits. With another when he was around three.

I won't go into those details. But let me say, he's one TOUGH kid. Really, tough isn't a tough enough word for this kid. He's steel.

He's also energetic, loud, and stubborn.


I wasn't sure if he'd make it to the age of five. But right around that age, all of our kids have kind of "gotten it". They realize (out of desperation, I think) that they can get with the program, or be miserable forever. So far they've all caught on.

He was no different. However he never lost a bit of his spunk, toughness, and downright ADORABLENESS. I'm telling you, he's something.

I am frustrated with him no less than fifteen times a day. But I laugh at him more than 30 times a day. He's a great kid.

He works hard, obeys, helps around the house. Loves school, reads constantly (when he's not yelling or shooting something) and is happy all of the time.

I'm so grateful to the Lord for my fourth born child and third son. I'm stronger and more mature in my mothering because of him.

And also a bit more tired.

I love you, SON! Happy 8th Birthday!


Lori Leigh said...


jo said...

Happy Birthday. What a handsome guy.

Laura said...

I know! I can't believe it! It is completely shocking to me to think they are 8.

Give the boy a belated birthday hug please!