Saturday, November 24, 2007

Cousins, cousins and more cousins

The weekend isn't over, but we've survived so far!

The Coach's brother from Colorado, along with his family, were here for the week. That made 13 kids here most of the time (although they stayed with Coach's M & D)! Along with S & B and their three who come and go. And so many other family and friends!

We spent Thanksgiving with the Coach's Mom's family - so much fun! I have no idea HOW may were there, but it was a crowd. Friday night we had most of the Coach's family here for pizza. At our house. 48 (I think) people. It was fun! And loud! The kids all play like crazy - they have so much fun! And we all slept really well last night!

I am completely overwhelmed with the goodness of God. His amazing, unearned grace. His unconditional love for and undeserving people. The blessing of a family of which the majority are following God and serving Him. Wow.

We went to meet with our pastor this morning, in preperation for the baby dedication service at our church in the morning. At eight months, Baby Boy should be somewhat cooperative! I was convicted by Pastor M's words. Committing ourselves to raise this baby to know and serve God. To be faithful Christian parents. And our church to commit to that as well, realizing the seriousness of leading a little one astray. How Jesus loved the children. What a blessing they are!

Of course, more in the front of my mind today is getting eight children ready in the morning, making sure the baby is fed and napped and happy for the service. And what WILL I wear? Truth is, even though I know that all of those things are not important in the eternal perspective that I always hope to have, they still have to taken care of. There is work to do!

So for now I'm back to my half Thanskgiving/half Christmas decorations everywhere house. A husband who is gone watching football, three heads of hair to cut, and groceries to put away. What AM I doing posting?


Lori Leigh said...

So how did the baby dedication go? Did you survive the rest of the weekend? Thanks for the picture. That was fun!

Laura said...

Wow - our Thanksgiving was much quieter. I missed our busy family gathering. But we are all preparing for my brother's wedding - will be so glad when this shindig is over!! Why don't you pack up your crew and come visit us?? hee hee! Love ya!

Laura said...

Oh! Go check out our website and see our new family picture!

Make sure you scroll down to the bottom and see the kids pics.