Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The day of the BIG PLAY

Today is the day, folks. My five school age children have been preparing for weeks for this day. The all elementary school play titled, "There's No Place Like Homa" to celebrate our state's centennial. I've scrounged Wal-mart, Target, the Internet and more for the required "costumes".
And here we are.
Aside from Son #1 refusing to wear his suspenders (he's a pioneer school boy), the morning went well. And who cares about suspenders? Just hope I can return them.
Everyone was excited.
I'm not sure if they were excited about the play, or getting to come home at 12:30. I'm just excited because I didn't have to make six lunches! Yeah!
So, I will try to post some pictures, later. Or sometime this week.
Should be fun.


Lori Leigh said...

How did the play go? I can't wait to see pictures!

Lori Leigh said...

I just wanted to say, and I think I speak for ALL of your faithful readers, that we have missed reading your daily bogs. We do understand that you have a house full of kids who are home from break, and I'm sure you are busily baking and cooking and cleaning and cleaning and cooking... BUT.... we miss you! We really do!